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A personal blog at the intersection of Creativity and Authentic Self

All of my life, I excelled in academics.  I was a straight A student, a National Merit Scholar, and in the top 5% of my high school graduating class.  In college, I was a successful member of our debate team, played bass guitar in a...

I ate a donut today. I’m not sure why, but that line has been running through my head all damn day, OCD style.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Almost every Sunday, we stop at the local donut shop on the way to church.  And, almost every Sunday, I...

I could not bring myself to watch the murder of George Floyd.  I am still at a loss for words.  I am a white man.  I am well-educate and hold two professional licenses.  There is no doubt I have benefited from the systemic oppression of...

I’m not sure I am ready to write this, so that probably means it is time.   I’m leaping before I look.  And, while I’m fairly certain there is an abyss below, staying where I am is no longer an option.  So, hang on for the ride, it’s a...

“My mom always said, life is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you are going to get.” --Forrest Gump I was recently invited by a group of mental health professionals to do a 90-minute presentation on law in the mental health arena.  I had not...

The other day, I had a conversation with someone about the hopes we had for our respective legacies.  In looking back on life, she said there had not been much that stood out in terms of accomplishments – no children, limited financial means, and various...

This morning, as I was driving the carpool to school, I was struck by the smell of clothing which had spent a little too much time loitering in the washer before heading next door to the dryer.  As much as I hate to admit it,...

“To refuse the dark side of one’s nature is to store up or accumulate the darkness; this is later expressed as black mood, psychosomatic illness, or unconsciously desired illness…  We must be whole whether we like it or not; the only choice is whether we...