your inner critic is a big jerk - Blaine Hummel
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your inner critic is a big jerk

“We all get blocked. We are all plagued by an inner critic. And no one is immune to the creativity-halting effects of negative criticism.” — Danielle Krysa

I was on yet another mythic venture to the bookstore – this time to taste the local flavor of an independent bookstore. But, proper research would have saved me a trip, because the location was closed on Sunday. In an unironic twist of fate, I trekked on over to the local Barnes and Noble. I’ve developed a keen interest in the intersection between creativity and psychology, primarily in what stops most of us from reaching our full creative potential. So, I was intrigued by Danielle Krysa’s work entitled Your Inner Critic is a Big Jerk – and other Truths about Being Creative.  The title alone made the book purchase-worthy, but the random section I turned to in reviewing the text sold me immediately.

I don’t believe in coincidence, only synchronicity. For many months, I have been toying with the idea of creating a “tribe” of like-minded individuals who foster love and community. So, when I flipped to page 115 of Krysa’s book and saw “Find your Tribe” as a subheading, I knew I was in cooking with gas (or some other better metaphor which escapes me). I headed to the checkout line, but not before picking up yet another half-priced writing journal I didn’t need.  I can confess I have a problem, but the first step is admitting…

My inner critic is particularly harsh and often prevents me from engaging in meaningful creativity. So, I have begun a quest to temper its voice and to seek out other people who are interested in quieting their own inner critics. I am putting together a workshop I hope to offer in the Spring which will employ the Lego Serious Play method to facilitate creativity and provide practical steps to befriend our inner critics. But, I recognize the wisdom of having a creative tribe in any endeavor and believe the Universe has led me to this point to get that ball rolling.

You are undoubtedly creative, talented and a seeker. Otherwise, you probably would not be reading this blog.  And, I suspect, like most of us, you have an inner critic who puts a serious damper on your creativity.  But, fuck that guy, we can beat him.  I firmly believe there is strength in community. If you are interested in joining the “tribe” to further your creativity in a supportive and nurturing environment, please send me an email at [email protected]. I would like to put together a social event for us to come together and share our experience., the good and the bad. I should note this is not a thinly veiled marketing campaign or a pyramid scheme to sell you leggings, but simply the start of an endeavor to foster creativity and community – preferably over good coffee and tasty treats.

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1 Comment
    Posted at 19:00h, 08 June

    Dan Harris said that his working title for 10% Happier was My Inner Critic is an Asshole. Great blog


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